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Community Based Learning

The community module is designed to change the coaching model used with the MRA for leadership assessment. The module follows the Connectivism learning theory principles and allows the coach to create a community of like-minded leaders from the same program or different programs.
Al360 Community Sample

Create an Inclusive Community

All members of AL360 can access this module and form a big family of learners
Personalized Feed
For collective learning during open discussions with experienced executive coaches
Communal Groups
For community members to share their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment
Your Privacy Matters
Communities can be public or private.
Self Managed Programs
Al3360 Self Managed Program sample
The foundation of the platform where you can customize each aspect suitable to your needs
Personal Development Planning
PDP view
Personalized and reflection based learning focusing on possible future opportunities and barriers for eternal personal and professional growth

Develop each Individual in your Organization

Motivating each member of the organization and understanding their needs is the key for development

Request Free Self Assessment